Face oily skin care: the gold the rules and possible errors

Every woman can boast a perfect skin. The most common problems have to face with the fair sex, the – skin and excess fat cover. Just oily shine, enlarged pores, acne, rashes – eternal satellites oily skin. This type of regular Epidermis requires special care and not necessarily comprehensive: it should include not only the use of cosmetics and some suggestions to adapt.

oily skin care face

Maintenance of oily skin and golden rules

It looks like a lot, to correct this care for oily skin in incredibly tough exercise. But I actually need a loyal just remember that every day you can follow-up in a clear manner and the algorithm necessary cosmetic procedures a year.

What you need to understand firstly that require a regular thorough clean and simple cover for oily skin, to wash in Clean Water morning and evening will be enough for him. To get rid of such a bright, pores, pimples and blackheads for daily use, you must get a soft cleanser. Best of all, this is a special cream or foaming cleanser an oily skin type. Massage movements must face for makeup by using a brush and more like a custom cover will provide you with clean pores and deep clean the skin to remove excess oil and dead skin cells.

Also, it is recommended to shrink pores after cleansing, wipe the skin with lemon juice rinse with cold water or ice. Also you can use herbal tonics, and only after washing your face, however, throughout the day, to remove it , just use it to refresh the shine and oily face.

A Purifying Gel or mousse you need to make the procedure with massage, morning and evening. The hair of the evening are absolutely necessary: first, it removes all the dirt transmitter, the Hundred Days, the second, incorrect, cosmetic night not to be put in any situation you want, such as blocked pores and out this threat even bigger snake. Use to clean your face, just hot or cold water, hot warns intensive sebum production.

And proper hydration should be the next step after washing your face. It is a very common sight, more oily skin moisturizing cream over the face if still overweight. But actually worsens the situation as malnutrition skin cover: this is just one way, early skin paleness, oil production strengthens but at the same time. Moisturizer with a slim, lightweight, and not necessarily age-appropriate properties of the epidermis. For example, oily face skin care after 30 years, the IMA the use of creams with rejuvenating effect.

Peeling 1-2 times a week necessarily make and use chunky, beauty masks application procedures. There is all this extra manipulation of the purifying, softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect. Natural home remedies that are ideal for this type of procedure, herbal components.

Care how it comes, oily skin, and healthy eating plays an important role because the situation depends to a large extent cover the gastrointestinal system. And food with fat and harmful additives that should be abandoned in return you will need to enter in your diet more fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. And, of course, except his life of harmful habits.

Troubleshooting error top 5 oily skin: face care how it's not

In order to understand proper care for not remembering to do something about working to get rid of oily skin, enlarged pores, and shiny. Oily skin here are the most common errors people in care homes:

maintenance rules
  1. Application abrasive cleaning solution. Strong with the cosmetic in question, including components with ethyl alcohol. Using similar cleaning formulations, oil, problematic skin epidermis gleam I'm trying to remove an ugly cover by the owner. But in fact, this rotary skin face, strong stress and the body to produce more sebum, to maintain the overriding of the epidermis.
  2. By exfoliating too often use scrubs. Deep skin cleansing is beneficial to the extent. Abuse of these treatments leads to excessive water loss, and the depletion of the cells of the dermis occurs as a result of the same effect already described previously in the case with the application of powerful cleaning solution. Also, exfoliating scrubs and give up when he stands on one side, available inflammation.
  3. Tightening acne and comedones (blackheads). This provokes skin damage and can lead to the spread of infection and more serious problems. Best to do a professional facial cleansing in a reliable mechanical according to his rules.
  4. Black dots against the use of medical tools without the doctor's prescription. Use sensitive skin care only with a doctor's recommendation after drug application. In good condition, properly chosen is not a tool of help does not have any effect, and the worst, cover the situation worse.
  5. A bad diet. Intake is required for the girl to follow with problematic skin, but some perceive that rule too literally, "sit" a strict diet, it's just so aggravating status: this is a serious damage to the digestive system and, accordingly, reflected able the epidermis.

This error plays a major role and at a more advanced age and skin care after the age of 25 reduce to zero all the talented a favor, proper care, on your face, therefore, this manipulation necessarily to give up, if you want to normalize the situation to cover.

Homemade facial masks, scrubs and exfoliating oily skin type

Regardless of how old, twenty, thirty, or forty – maintenance for private vehicles bold-faced the home must be permanent residents of the cosmetics shelf. Whimsical will be a good choice for problematic skin, cosmetics, private, natural, safe ingredients. Masks, peels, scrubs, and the excellent effect of a thick epidermis natural components, deeply cleanses, nourishes and anti-inflammatory has an effect.

The following recipes can be prepared at home peeling and peeling:

  1. Fruit peels. Grind it in a mixer with 2-3 tablespoons of ripe pomegranate seeds, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Facial massage movements and rinse with cold water after 10 minutes, the mixture is applied. Advice on pre-Steam skin.
  2. The sugar scrub. Required: mix 1 tbsp. sugar, milk, and crushed in a blender for 1-2 minutes in circular motions then rinse with warm water to apply rubbing aloe skin cover.
  3. Oatmeal scrub. To connect with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon yogurt or natural yogurt a pinch of fine salt added to food. Wash it after 3-4 minutes the mixture gently rubbed his face.

A type of fat, skin, facials, necessarily involves the application of the masks. The most effective procedure to execute peels or pouch immediately after use: at this point the leather cover is ready in the absorption and deep cleaning of facilities.

The best maintenance funding for the epidermis, a diseased brain, fat, clay-based compositions for cosmetic. For example, mix white or blue hair and a dense homogeneous mass with the egg whites and apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes. A great way that will improve the condition of your skin in a mask, white and blue clay, cucumber juice with fresh divorced and taken in equal proportions.

A great fit skin cover mask for dairy products. Try to use low fat cottage cheese 3 tbsp yogurt and 1 tablespoon of the mixture to the face of the content. A lot is placed on the skin and wash after 15 minutes with cold water.

No matter which tool you choose, before first use when you do the test, an allergic reaction, especially in the mask, or exfoliating peeling contains fruit, berries or honey: pure wrist a little Ready Mix and wait a few minutes. Redness, rash or itching, resulting in the application at a location on the skin – there is no reason to give up the car for his use.

homemade facial masks

Of course, regular and meticulous care oily type facial skin care changes all the rules in just a few weeks it will be more noticeable, however, that this is not so, from this moment on to give up maintenance procedures. Only continuous warranty cover saving monitoring result obtained is a long time.